Selected Publications
For a full list of publications, see DBLP or Google Scholar.
Xuechen Zhang, Zijian Huang, Ege Taga, Carlee Joe-Wong, Samet Oymak, Jiasi Chen, “Efficient Contextual LLM Cascades through Budget-Constrained Policy Learning”, NeurIPS, 2024. [pdf]
Xuechen Zhang, Xiangyu Chang, Mingchen Li, Amit Roy-Chowdhury, Jiasi Chen, Samet Oymak, “Selective Attention: Enhancing Transformer through Principled Context Control”, NeurIPS, 2024.
Zijian Huang*, Cary Shu*, Hang Qiu, Jiasi Chen, “ReplayAR: A Tool for Visual Evaluation of Mixed Reality”, ACM ImmerCom Workshop, 2024. [pdf][code]
Carter Slocum*, Yicheng Zhang*, Erfan Shayegani, Pedram Zaree, Nael Abu-Ghazaleh, Jiasi Chen, “That Doesn’t Go There: Attacks on Shared State in Multi-User Augmented Reality Applications”, USENIX Security, 2024. [pdf][slides] (*co-first authors)
Tristan McCarty, Smrithi Surender, Cary Shu, Zijian Huang, Jiasi Chen, Elena Kokkoni, “Integrating Mixed Reality and Body Weight Support Technology for Immersive Pediatric Rehabilitation”, Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society, 2024. [pdf]
Xuechen Zhang, Mingchen Li, Jiasi Chen, Christos Thrampouli, Samet Oymak, “Class-Attribute Priors: Adapting Optimization to Heterogeneity and Fairness Objectives”, AAAI, 2024. [pdf]
Xuechen Zhang, Mingchen Li, Xiangyu Chang, Jiasi Chen, Amit Roy-Chowdhury, Ananda Theertha Suresh, Samet Oymak, “Augmenting Federated Learning with Pretrained Transformers”, NeurIPS Workshop on Federated Learning in the Age of Foundation Models, 2023. [pdf]
Jiasi Chen, K.K. Ramakrishnan, Aditya Dhakal, Xukan Ran, “Networked Architectures for Localization-based Multi-User Augmented Reality”, IEEE Communications Magazine . [pdf]
Xuechen Zhang*, Zheng Li*, Samet Oymak, Jiasi Chen, “Text-to-3D Generative AI on Mobile Devices: Measurements and Optimizations”, ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Emerging Multimedia Systems, 2023. [pdf][slides] (*co-first authors)
Yi-Zhen Tsai, James Luo, Yunshu Wang, Jiasi Chen, “The World is Too Big to Download: 3D Model Retrieval for World-Scale Augmented Reality”, ACM MMSys, 2023. (best student paper award) [pdf] [slides]
Yicheng Zhang, Carter Slocum, Jiasi Chen, Nael Abu-Ghazaleh, “It’s all in your head(set): Side channel attacks on augmented reality systems”, USENIX Security, 2023. [pdf][slides]
Carter Slocum, Yicheng Zhang, Nael Abu-Ghazaleh, Jiasi Chen, “Going through the motions: AR/VR keylogging from user head motions”, USENIX Security, 2023. [pdf][slides]
Aditya Dhakal, Xukan Ran, Yunshu Wang, Jiasi Chen, K.K. Ramakrishnan, “SLAM-Share: Visual Simultaneous Localization and Mapping for Real-time Multi-user Augmented Reality”, ACM CoNEXT, 2022. [pdf][slides][code]
Kittipat Apicharttrisorn, Jiasi Chen, Vyas Sekar, Anthony Rowe, Srikanth Krishnamurthy, “Breaking edge shackles: Infrastructure-free collaborative mobile augmented reality”, ACM SenSys, 2022. [pdf][slides][code]
Wangyu Choi, Jiasi Chen, Jongwong Yoon, “ABRaider: Multi-Phase Reinforcement Learning for Environment-Adaptive Video Streaming”, IEEE ACCESS, 2022.
Timothy Scargill, Shreya Hurli, Jiasi Chen, Maria Gorlatova, “Here To Stay: A Quantitative Comparison of Virtual Object Stability in Markerless Mobile AR”, Workshop on Cyber-Physical Human System Design and Implementation (at CPS-IoT week), 2022.
Yi-Zhen Tsai, Jiasi Chen, “Network-side 5G mmWave Channel Signatures for Pandemic Contact Tracing”, IEEE ICC, 2022.
Carter Slocum, Xukan Ran, Jiasi Chen, “RealityCheck: A Tool to Evaluate Spatial Inconsistency in Augmented Reality”, IEEE ISM, 2021. [pdf][slides][code]
Mingchen Li, Xuechen Zhang, Christos Thrampoulidis, Jiasi Chen, Samet Oymak, “AutoBalance: Optimized Loss Functions for Imbalanced Data”, NeurIPS, 2021. [pdf]
Xuechen Zhang, Samet Oymak, Jiasi Chen, “Post-hoc Models for Performance Estimation of Machine Learning Inference”, [arXiv].
Tim Scargill, Jiasi Chen, Maria Gorlatova, “Here To Stay: Measuring Hologram Stability in Markerless Smartphone Augmented Reality”, [arXiv].
Carter Slocum, Jingwen Huang, Jiasi Chen, “VIA: Visibility-aware Web-based Virtual Reality”, ACM Web3D, 2021. [pdf][slides]
Hisham Alhulayyil, Jiasi Chen, Karthik Sundaresan, Srikanth Krishnamurthy, “Boosting Home WiFi Throughputs via Adaptive DAS Clustering of PLC Extenders” (invited), IEEE MASS, 2021.
Timothy James Scargill, Shreya Hurli, Jiasi Chen, Maria Gorlatova, “Will it Move?: Indoor Scene Characterization for Hologram Stability in Mobile AR” (demo), ACM HotMobile, 2021.
Moustafa Abdelbaky, Jiasi Chen, Alexander Fedin, Kenneth Freeman, Mohana Gurram, Abraham Ishihara, Carlee Joe-Wong, Christopher Knight, Kalmanje Krishnakumar, Isaias Reyes, Calvin Robinson, Peter Shannon, Sandeep Shetye, Luka Tomljenovic, William Van Dalsem, “DRF: A Software Architecture for a Data Marketplace to Support Advanced Air Mobility”, AIAA AVIATION Forum, 2021.
Xukan Ran, Carter Slocum, Yi-Zhen Tsai, Kittipat Apicharttrisorn, Maria Gorlatova, Jiasi Chen, “Multi-User Augmented Reality with Communication Efficient and Spatially Consistent Virtual Objects”, ACM CoNEXT, 2020. [pdf][slides]
Yuan Zhao, Jiasi Chen, Samet Oymak, “On the Role of Dataset Quality and Heterogeneity in Model Confidence”, ICML Workshop on Uncertainty and Robustness in Deep Learning, 2020. [arxiv]
Ha-Ryung Kim, Jiasi Chen, Jongwon Yoon, “Joint User Clustering and Beamforming in Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Networks”, IEEE ACCESS, 2020. [pdf]
Shahryar Afzal, Jiasi Chen, K.K. Ramakrishnan, “Viewing the 360-degree Future: Trade-Off Between User Field-of-View Prediction, Network Bandwidth, and Delay”, IEEE ICCCN, 2020. [pdf][video presentation]
Hisham Alhulayyil, Kittipat Apicharttrisorn, Jiasi Chen, Karthik Sundaresan, Samet Oymak and Srikanth Krishnamurthy, “WOLT: Auto-Configuration of Integrated Enterprise PLC-WiFi Networks”, IEEE ICDCS, 2020. (18% acceptance rate) [pdf]
Kittipat Apicharttrisorn, Bharath Balasubramanian, Jiasi Chen, Rajarajan Sivaraj, Yi-Zhen Tsai, Rittwik Jana, Srikanth Krishnamurthy, Tuyen Tran, Yu Zhou, “Characterization of Multi-User Augmented Reality over Cellular Networks”, IEEE SECON, 2020. (best paper runner up) [pdf][slides]
Shengxin Liu, Carlee Joe-Wong, Jiasi Chen, Christopher Brinton, Chee Wei Tan, Liang Zheng, “Economic Viability of a Virtual ISP”, IEEE Transactions on Networking, 2020. [pdf]
Ahmet Dermikaya, Jiasi Chen, Samet Oymak, “Exploring the Role of Loss Functions in Multiclass Classification”, IEEE CISS, 2020. [pdf]
Guoqiang Zhang, Yue Wu, Xu Han, Qian Gao, Jiasi Chen, “Exploiting the layer correlation to improve DASH scheduling with scalable video coding”, Computer Networks, 2020.