Jiasi Chen
Jiasi ChenAssociate ProfessorElectrical Engineering and Computer Science
3244 EECS Building1301 Beal AvenueAnn Arbor, MI 48109


Fifteen papers by ECE researchers to be presented at the Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems

Topics of accepted ECE NeurIPS papers include diffusion models, large language models, multi-armed bandit models, and more.

ECE welcomes seven new faculty for 2023/24

Welcome Electrical and Computer Engineering’s newest faculty members who will join the department this coming academic year.

Adobe Research Data Science Award

New project on pricing of large language models with Samet Oymak.

New NSF award on environmental awareness for AR

NSF Medium with Maria Gorlatova (Duke) and Carlee Joe-Wong (CMU).

Best student paper award at ACM MMSys

Angela, a PhD student in the lab, received the best student paper award for her paper “The World is Too Big to Download: 3D Model Retrieval for World-Scale Augmented Reality”.

Two new works on AR/VR security will appear in USENIX Security’23

Congrats Carter and Yicheng! With Nael Abu-Ghazaleh.

I will be joining the University of Michigan EECS department in Fall 2023!

Gave a talk at Meta Hacktober

Gave a talk on “Side channel and location teleportation attacks for AR/VR” at Meta Hacktober.

Paper is accepted to ACM SenSys’22

Paper is accepted to ACM SenSys on infrastructure-free multi-user AR with SLAM and DNNs. Congrats Kittipat!

Paper is accepted to ACM CoNEXT’22

Paper is accepted to ACM CoNEXT on multi-user AR with offloaded visual-inertial SLAM. Congrats Aditya, Xukan, and Yunshu!

Received a DoD equipment grant

Received a DoD equipment grant on “Learning Human-Robot Interaction Through AR/VR Technologies” to support our research.